Practicing Self Care – 5 Day Challenge

Practicing Self Care – 5 Day Challenge

Hey Sis! Happy first Self Care Sunday of February! How are you today? How was your week? What’s your mental check-in looking like on a scale of 1-10? 1 being you’re struggling or 10 being your vibrating at your highest energy wave. Did anything exciting happen or was it not so great? Whether you had a good week or bad week, we’re going to take a moment to breathe together. Just a couple deep inhales and slowly exhale. Let’s celebrate all the great things you accomplished this week and thus far into 2022. No matter how big or how small. You did that!

Why is self care important Ki? Let’s talk about. I know we get busy in our everyday lives and with being successful women either starting our own business or you might already have started and find yourself working 24/7 just to build the perfect brand. Or maybe you’re the striving to be a straight A college student to make the Dean’s List this semester, pulling all-nighters to study for exams or writing term papers. Some women may be mothers, that in itself is a full-time job. Whatever you’re personal day to day looks like, self-care is important because if we’re burning the candle at both ends, it comes with significant consequences, for example feeling burnt out, experiencing depression or anxiety and other negative implications. Also, spiritually, it may help keep us in tune with our higher power as women while finding our meaning in life. Therefore, engaging in a self-care ritual or routine can reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, increase happiness, improve energy, and more.

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I’ll paint a picture of what my day looks like. My typical self-care morning starts with me getting up at 7 A.M. every morning, even on the weekends, so my body can get used to being up at a decent hour to be productive, and start my day. During that first hour I like to spend it device free. The only thing I’ll do is turn off my alarm and turn on a podcast to listen to while I jumpstart my mornings. I like to have a steaming hot shower with my favorite aromatherapy shower spray, along with my favorite body and skin care routine. I like to get my morning journaling session done after my shower, from there I have my breakfast and coffee. Sometimes I like to have my breakfast while doing my journaling. After breakfast, I tend to the my schedule for what I have planned for the day. Still finding time to take breaks in between my work to have a lunch and a snack. In order to keep from overworking myself I like to use the app Paced to balance out my day. Paced is a free daily routine planner app that allows you to schedule your daily activities while having balance in your career and personal life. Feel free to download it to help you on building your own personal routines. Think about what do you want your typical self-care week look like.

On top of your Sunday Self Care ritual, I want you to and try this 5 day challenge this week because self care isn’t just something we do one day a week. We should be practicing self care EVERYDAY. No matter if it’s spending an hour doing your favorite activity, taking a day to go out into nature or a ten minute breathing exercise. Self-care challenges help you focus on your health each day. By participating in these challenges, you’ve already shown up for yourself! CONGRATULATIONS! At the beginning of every month we will start off with these kinds of challenges. The better we get at taking care of ourselves the longer the challenges will be. The end goal is to have developed your own self-care ritual that will start or end your day.

I hope this helps you on starting you’re self-care journey.

But what is involved in a happily ever after? There are too many versions, not for you to choose but to create. 
- Pillow Thoughts, In case you need encouragement by Courtney Peppernell 


Rating: 4 out of 5.

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